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Integration Testing with TestContainers

3 minute read

Integration testing is a critical aspect of software development. It involves testing the interaction between various components of a system to ensure that t...

Kubernetes Cheatsheet

3 minute read

Kubernetes is a powerful container orchestration engine. It became one of the most favorite platforms due to its rich ecosystem, diverse instruments and man...

C4 Model

2 minute read

How do you explain the architecture of your most favorite or challenging project? Do you draw all these nice squares and circles on a board (or perhaps, MS P...

Contribute to open-source

2 minute read

The aim of this post is to inspire beginners to contribute to open source. It does not matter if you have strong programming skills or commercial experience....

Machine Learning and Parking Availability

6 minute read

Do you have a lot of data that you were collecting many years and now you consider doing some magic by applying Machine Learning? What are you able to achiev...

Hackathon: Parking availability

6 minute read

It’s been a week since our regular hackathon at Parkmobile and it’s a good time to recap and share key takeaways. The aim of the hackathon was to find innova...